ENIGMA DISC IMAGER Altra Acorn User 12.85 Disc utilities EnigmaDiscImager-0.04.rom This appears to be the original rom, ie it doesn't like being in sideways RAM. The two crack versions are slightly different. Both have a slightly changed header, just the text that is and bytes 81 & 82 changed to &EA(NOP). The second crack also has some additional changes to the original. EnigmaDiscImager-1.05.rom This appears to be the original rom, ie it doesn't like being in sideways RAM. EnigmaDiscImager-1.07crack.rom A cracked version of the 1.07 rom. As for differences between the versions I have no idea. All the commands are present in all the versions. If anyone knows more then please feel free to comment. I would presume they contain improvements in the copying of protected discs. I also have included in this .zip a .rtf(Rich Text Format) document that contains the command reference sheet as supplied with the ROM.