REVERSI-B Cursor keys: move cursor A-H, 1-8 move cursor RETURN: enter move at current postion P: pass if you cannot turn any of the opponent's stones CTRL+B: BACKSTEP (undo last move, you can backstep the entire game) CTRL+F: FORESTEP (guess what this does) CTRL+P: PLAY (force computer to take the current side (colour) and make a move) CTRL+N: New game S: SUPERVISE (both sides are humans) CTRL+S: Enter SETUP mode. CTRL+U: SET_CLOCK (used time) CTRL+T: SET_LIMIT (tournament limit, the program doesn't use this to regulate its search depth) SETUP MODE: f0: NO STONE f1: BLACK STONE f2: WHITE STONE CTRL+W: CLEAR (WIPE) BOARD R: return (exit setup and enter movenumber Some information about the search: search depth is 4 to 5 ply. (fixed) For the last 14 open places the program does a full search to see if it can do a move with wich it wins. If it does you have lost, and there's nothing you can do about that! The last 9 open places the program calculates the optimal move.